Human Capital and Innovation Partnership
Dr. Kalam Skill Development Centre (DKSDC) is an eco-system conceived and dedicated to build a pool of skilled talent for tomorrow’s industry needs, be in India or abroad. The need may be right from the bottom of pyramid in industry, at a tradesman level (welder, Fitter, Electrician, Turner, etc.) to Automation Experts, ERP professional or Power sector professional. DKSDC offers skilling programs for candidates from school dropouts to Post Graduate students. This offers a great platform for industry to partner with DKSDC to source workforce, carry out research work, get projects work done, discharge CSR obligations through DKSDC. Industry can also partner with DKSDC to arrange thematic seminars, conferences, round tables to ponder upon important issues in front of them and/ or society, community.
In a way, Dr. Kalam Skill Development centre can be considered as front loading for Make in India Mission.
Dr. Kalam Skill Development Centre’s corporate partnership delivers access to larger resources of KCE Society, with its 20+ institutions, across education spectrum, its human capital and budding talent amongst the students. Partnership with DKSDC Institute provides the following benefits
Partner Meeting: Involvement with the DKSDC begins with meeting our leadership, who will spend quality time, evaluating and discussing the partner’s current issues. These meetings help our team incorporate the partner’s concerns and interests into our project activities and if need be, in seminars or conferences.
- Sourcing Human Capital : Industry can source their future human
resource requirements from the pool of talent developed in industry
aligned eco-system of skill development. Industry can enter into MoU for
skilling, certain no. of selected candidates, as per industry needs, for their
future requirements. This will offer them work ready workforce, which will
start delivering from their 1 st day in industry, ensuring boost to the
productivity of industry.
- Up Skilling existing workforce : Industry can assign projects of up
skilling their existing workforce, which can linked to latest technologies for
skilled workforce or instilling skills into un skilled workforce, thereby
offering vertical mobility to the last employee of their organization.
- Conferences and Workshops: Partners gain privileged invitations to
industry conferences and academic workshops, arranged by DKSDC or
any institution within KCE society family. We feature experts from a wide
range of disciplines, companies and industries to engage in thoughtful
discussion of cutting-edge topics around technology and innovation.
These events include periods of intensive small group discussion on
critical business issues.
- Speaking Opportunities: From speaking at an industry conference to
interacting with students at a cultural event, to starring as a guest speaker
in the classroom, the partnership provides a number of highly desirable
chances to take the stage in front of a DKSDC audience.
- Student Access through Innovation Program: The Innovation program
at DKSDC, connects three stakeholders: faculty, students and industry.
Corporate partners propose a current business challenge they would like
to address. DKSDC and industry jointly selects students to work on the
industry project under faculty guidance. Partners indicate deliverables
they wish to receive and meet with the student team to review project
- CSR Partnership : Industry can discharge their Corporate Social
Responsibility obligations through DKSDC. They can fund skilling of
underprivileged candidates, they can outsource CSR activities to DKSDC
to be executed through the students of DKSDC at grass root level. These
activities could be aligned to Digital India Mission, Swaccha Bharat
Abhiyan, etc. This will ensure effective deliverance of the program, since
most of the students belong to those communities.